Posted by wecanwikan | 11:35:00 am | | 0 comments »

WARA, is a system in balinese  calendar that organized ten groups of days. These groups usually be combined and synchronized each other to be matched. The ten groups are :
1. Eka Wara contains one, named Luwang.
2. Dwi Wara contains two, named Menga and Pepet.
3. Tri Wara : Pasah, Beteng, Kajeng.
4. Catur Wara: Sri, Laba, Jaya, Mandala
5. Panca Wara: Umanis, Pahing, Pon, Wage, Kliwon
6. Sad Wara : Tungleh, Ariyang, Urukung, Paniron, Was, Mahulu
7. Sapta Wara : Redite, Soma, Anggara, Buda, Wraspati, Sukra, Saniscara
8. Asta Wara : Sri, Indra, Guru,Yama,Rudra,Brahma,Kala,Uma
9. Sanga Wara : Dangu, Jangur, Gigis, Nohan, Ogan, Erangan, Urungan, 
    Tulus, Dadi
10.Dasa Wara : Pandita, Pati, Suka, Duka, Sri, Manuh, Manusa, Raja,  Dewa, Raksasa.

According to these ten group of days, the traditional rituals and ceremonies usually use the three of them, that are Tri Wara, Panca Wara and Sapta Wara (the others be used for synchronized the Good day and the Bad day according to any kind of traditional occasions). For Example, the sacred day called Kajeng Kliwon will fall if the day contains Kajeng and Kliwon. If The days contains of Anggara (=tuesday) and Kliwon, this is called Anggarkasih, the sacred day. The Galungan Holiday occurs on Buda (=wednesday) Kliwon, Wuku Dungulan ( falls in October  14th, 2009, the picture show above). And the next year, it will not falls on the same date, but in the same combinations of these days: Buda, Kliwon and Wuku Dungulan.
     If Saniscara (saturday) meet Kliwon, this is called Tumpek, and if this Tumpek combined with WUKU , there will be called Tumpek Landep (wuku Landep), Tumpek Wayang (Wuku Wayang) Tumpek Kandang (Wuku Uye) and soon. This sacred days will be explained in the next post about Balinese Rituals.
     This short description about Wara, maybe too simple, but it shows how complicated and sophisticated the balinese calendar in organizing a lot of the rituals, compares to the international system which only has dates,weeks(contains seven days), and months . The Balinese calendar has dates, month, ten group of days (called WARA) 30 group of weeks (called WUKU), Pranata Mangsa (Astronomic system) and Palintangan (astrology).