NGABEN: Ritual about Cremation in Bali

Posted by wecanwikan | 12:10:00 pm | | 0 comments »

     These are pictures presentation about the baliritual, Ngaben, the cremation in Kuta, Bali. This rituals occurs in the good day according to the balinese calendar system, that explained in the last post about WARA, which consist of ten groups of days call EKA WARA,  DWI WARA, TRI WARA CATUR WARA, PANCA WARA, SAD WARA, SAPTA WARA (Similar to: week), ASTA WARA, SANGA WARA AND DASA WARA.These combinations and synchronization result a good day, the best day to do rituals.
     The One of the most popular icon of these baliritual is  BADE,  a symbol of the transportation for the holy spirit in their journey to heaven.

The Corpses and their spirits were escorted to the cremation area in the cemetary


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust: In these pepople's words: The Five elements (Panca Maha Bhuta:  Soil,water,fire,wind,etheric)spreads into the nature where they've been created from.


And finally, the ashes and their spirits were poured and spreaded into the holy water, the sea, to be purificated, and ready for the next journey, visit the God's dimension.